How To Help During a Pandemic

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
2 min read

As an independent brand, KÜHL is always looking for ways to help small business, local artisans, and dedicated craftspeople. Now that we find ourselves in a global health crisis, there’s never been a better time to “think globally, act locally.” There have been thousands of heart-warming stories of human kindness in the past few weeks. It’s certainly time to thank our healthcare workers, first responders, truckers, and supply chain workers. But most of us can’t put on scrubs and a mask or jump in an 18-wheeler to help out. So how do we pitch in?

Safety First

All of the following ideas require that you be healthy and practice good social distancing. The CDC has said that wearing a mask when you go out is a good idea. Keep washing those hands. Use your own good judgement.

Think Small

Many local restaurants are trying to keep their local customers happy and employees working with take-out service. Reward yourself with a splurge dinner. Your climbing gym or training center is probably closed due to COVID-19. Instead of freezing your membership, consider supporting the gym workers financially. Instead of ordering grocery delivery from a big national chain, consider getting curb-side pickup from the local mom & pop shop.

Be Their Mobility

Many of the most at-risk groups for COVID-19 are the elderly and those with illnesses or disabilities. If you just got laid-off or furloughed, consider reaching out to your neighbors to pick up and deliver groceries for them. is a good way to connect with people in your area. Meals on Wheels ( is another way to deliver some happiness.

Give What You Can

Blood banks and food pantries are running very low. With many people self-quarantining, blood banks aren’t getting the walk-in donations they need to meet demand. The American Red Cross can point you to a local blood drive. With layoffs and homeless challenges, shortages at local food banks are running high. If you have some extra canned goods in your cupboard, consider donating them.

Get Creative

Musicians, artists, and service workers are heavily impacted by the closing of bars, restaurants and farmer’s markets. Know a guitar player you’ve always envied for their skills? Hire them for an online lesson. Is a chef friend laid off? Hire them for a custom quarantine dinner, delivered to your door. Is there a painter or potter in your circle? Commission a landscape from a favorite photo, or a set of mugs to commemorate your 2020 quarantine.

Stay Positive. Stay Passionate.

The day will come, hopefully soon, when we can all get back outdoors together, enjoy a concert, and camp under the stars with our friends and family. We will get there. Together. This will take time. Be patient. Stay resilient. Make the right choice.

For more information on ways to protect yourself and others, go to CDC.

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KÜHL Editor


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